

  • Collaboration and Voice: We conduct this work in collaboration with students, parents, schools, businesses, and other organizations and institutions that share the same goals and values. We continuously seek and channel those stakeholders’ perspectives.

  • Equity: We acknowledge the persistent inequities in our city and country, and prioritize equity in the programs and systems we develop and support.

  • Excellence and Accountability: We hold ourselves and community partners to high standards and monitor results to ensure quality programming and positive outcomes for students.

  • Respect: We respect our students and their families, school partners, employers, each other, and other stakeholders; and we conduct ourselves as such.

  • Student Choice: We believe students and their families should have the information necessary to make informed choices, be empowered to do so, and have a wide range of quality options available to them when they are making these choices — especially in selecting programs of study and post-secondary education or work options.

  • Transparency: We clearly articulate and communicate the values, policies and procedures for decision-making, the resulting decisions, and related programming to all stakeholders.